Changing how therapy is done to fit your lifestyle


There has been a crucial shift and innovation to the typical therapy model.

Intensives offer flexibility to adjust to any busy lifestyle.

Intensive therapy model

  • Intensives can range anywhere between 90 minutes to 16 hours (divided into blocks spanning several days). Since this model of treatment is more intensive, minimal time is spent during check in’s and closing sessions

  • Intensives are goal oriented and focused, which means more time is actually spent processing. This means individuals may be able to reduce their overall need for therapy, doing more in less time

  • Since intensives aim at a specific target and works to decrease the stress around this, by the end of the intensive, less time is spent on improving coping skills

  • Less time is taken away from work, family or any other life event

Traditional weekly therapy model

  • Typically lasts about 45 minutes with an average of 10 minutes at the beginning and end of session utilized to properly open/check in and close the session (respectively)

  • Typical session may only include 30-35 minutes to process what can sometimes be decades of unresolved memories and history.

  • Therapists can typically spend 1-3 sessions on developing coping skills prior to even working on the identified targeted event

  • Most sessions tend to focus on the outside stressors leaving many feeling the need to choose between processing current stressors and old traumas

Both models of treatment are offered to provide you maximum flexibility in getting your needs met